Police officials say they are too costly and controversial, and many question whether they will open departments up to law suits.
The story at [LINK] mentions an incident where a 16-year old reportedly charged police with a large knife, and was stopped with a gun shot. The gun worked reliably, the kid was stopped. As a bonus the kid survived and is in fair condition. Zero moral issues with the police response in this case.
...an incident last year when a New York City officer was stabbed in the eye by a man who was shocked with a Taser but kept coming at police.
Taser International spokespuppet Steve Tuttle claims an extraordinarily high "field success rate". Almost higher than even police guns would be expected to achieve. And thus my BS detector has been triggered. I suspect that they will have defined their terms and twisted the facts to provide a misleading value. More to follow on this propaganda if I can track down more details.
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