Mission Statement - De-Spinning the Pro-Taser Propaganda

Yeah right, 'Excited Delirium' my ass...


The primary purpose of this blog is to provide an outlet for my observations and analysis about tasers, taser "associated" deaths, and the behaviour exhibited by the management, employees and minions of Taser International. In general, everything is linked back to external sources, often via previous posts on the same topic, so that readers can fact-check to their heart's content. This blog was started in late-2007 when Canadians were enraged by the taser death of Robert Dziekanski and four others in a short three month period. The cocky attitude exhibited by the Taser International spokespuppet, and his preposterous proposal that Mr. Dziekanski coincidentally died of "excited delirium" at the time of his taser-death, led me to choose the blog name I did and provides my motivation. I have zero financial ties to this issue.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lawsuit-magnet Taser International celebrates

Internationally-recognized lawsuit-magnet and full-time litigant Taser International, maker of the world famous lawsuit-magnet-in-itself (*) "Taser" stun-gun, proudly announces that they've wriggled out from under yet another lawsuit. Whippety doo dah.

"We are very proud of the fact that we spend far more money on legal costs and settlements disguised as wins than we actually make in net profit," a spokespuppet didn't actually say. "We sincerely hope that our long-suffering investors don't catch-on to the fact that it is never going to end," the spokespuppet didn't say.

* Headlines from just the past couple of days:
Tasered Utah man sues police for $200,000 [LINK]
Taser arrest man plans legal move [LINK]
Davis County man sues police for being shocked with Taser [LINK]

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