Mission Statement - De-Spinning the Pro-Taser Propaganda

Yeah right, 'Excited Delirium' my ass...


The primary purpose of this blog is to provide an outlet for my observations and analysis about tasers, taser "associated" deaths, and the behaviour exhibited by the management, employees and minions of Taser International. In general, everything is linked back to external sources, often via previous posts on the same topic, so that readers can fact-check to their heart's content. This blog was started in late-2007 when Canadians were enraged by the taser death of Robert Dziekanski and four others in a short three month period. The cocky attitude exhibited by the Taser International spokespuppet, and his preposterous proposal that Mr. Dziekanski coincidentally died of "excited delirium" at the time of his taser-death, led me to choose the blog name I did and provides my motivation. I have zero financial ties to this issue.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Reliance on unreliable taser leaves officer facing shotgun

COLORADO SPRINGS - ...19-year-old Jonathon Pino, who stayed on the scene, resisted police control. An officer attempted to deploy his taser however the probes did not deploy. Pino raised a shotgun in the direction of the Officer who was able to close the distance, taking the suspect to the ground and disarm him. ... [LINK]

I'm glad it turned okay.

But geesh!! Relying on the unreliable taser, when the suspect is holding a shotgun, is clear-cut evidence that the so-called training is more an extension of the deceptive marketing than anything else.

One report I saw recently was that taser deployments in the real world are ineffective about 30% of the time. Not even including the recent guidance from Taser International to stop aiming towards the chest.

Me thinks that the taser has been oversold.

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